Underwater Photographs and Stills Library |
This is a small sample of images available for sale. Our library consists of over 3000 images, so if you
don't see what you are looking for please LeRoy. Special underwater photos and videos can also
be taken on request.
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Fish and Underwater Creatures |





Diver / Green Turtle |
Hawksbill Turtle |
Trunkfish |
Scorpionfish |
Banded Jawfish with eggs |





Porcupine Fish |
Squirrel Fish |
Drumfish |
Turtle Portrait |
Trumpetfish |





Silversides |
Blowfish |
B&W Moray Eel |
Nurseshark |
Triton Snail |





Flamingo Tongue |
Atlantic Stingray |
Egg Cluster |
Alien Encounter |
Stingray with Sharksucker |
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