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“Ocean Dead Zones” |
By: LeRoy French Undersea Adventures 20 Ffebruary 2009 |
(Images show devastating results of ocean pollutants)
By now we are all fairly familiar with the term “Global Warming”. Simply
stated it means our earth is getting warmer. The affects of global warming
can be demonstrated in many ways. In particular it has a tremendous
impact on the ocean. Scientists believe that it could be the cause of
“Dead Zones”.
Dead Zones are areas in the oceans that have been literally starved of
oxygen and as a result cannot support life. These zones dramatically
increased by one-third in just two years as global temperatures rise with
climate change.
These lifeless zones have grown from 44 areas reported in 1995 to
more than 400. Some of the oxygen starved areas extend over 27,000
square miles, about the size of the Republic of Ireland. Besides climate
change these zones are also created by fertilizers, sewage and other
pollutants. The areas of most concern are in the Eastern Atlantic, Gulf of
Mexico and recently creeping into the Caribbean.
In easy to understand terminology here is how these areas become
starved of oxygen. Anytime you have a form of pollution entering the
ocean ie; sewage etc. it creates algae. The damage is then caused by
explosive blooms of tiny plants known as phytoplankton, which die and
sink to the bottom. They are eventually eaten up by bacteria which uses
up all the oxygen. These areas are known as ‘oxygen minimum’ zones
and they create damaging consequences to the marine ecosystem
because fish, squid and other crustaceans cannot survive in them. In past
years these zones were mostly located in the open ocean in deep water
but scientific studies are showing a huge increase in coastal and shallow
areas becoming low on oxygen.
This may sound like a problem that is unsolveable by the normal
individual. Not True! The best solution is to reduce fossil-fuel emissions
over the next few generations which will limit ongoing ocean oxygen
depletion and acidification. The following is a fact everybody should be
aware of: “The ocean and atmosphere are locked in an intimate embrace,
as one changes, so must the other. Air and sea exchange masses of
energy and chemicals, including greenhouse gases. These influence the
behaviour of the atmosphere and ocean, in turn, determine global climate
and weather patterns”.
I have mentioned in past articles how dependent life on this planet is on
our oceans. These problems such as ‘Dead Zones’ are created by
human impact. If we created it, we should be able to fix it!